Nästa Champion "avslöjades" i senaste PC Gamer i samband med bilder på nya grafiken. Äntligen något annat än en DPS. Våran senaste hjälte heter Sona och ska ta över tronen som support med hjälp av en drös med aurer.
Passive: Power Chord: After 3 spell casts, Sona's next attack will deal 80 + 20 x lvl magic damage, and reduce the damage the target deals by 30% for 3 seconds. Additionally, Sona's Auras persist for 3 seconds after deactivating.
(Q)Hymn of Valor - Passive Aura: Sona plays the Hymn of Valor, increasing nearby allied champions Damage and Ability Power by 8/12/16/20/24. Active: Sona fires bolts of sound, dealing 70/120/170/220/270(+0.6) magic damage to the nearest two enemies (prioritizes champions).
(W)Aria of Perseverance - Passive Aura: Sona plays the Aria of Perseverance, increasing nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist by 8/12/16/20/24. Active: Sona sends out healing melodies, healing Sona and the most wounded nearby allied champion by 50/75/100/125/150(+0.6).
(E)Song of Discord - Passive Aura: Sona plays the Song of Discord, granting nearby allied champions 14/18/22/26/30 bonus Movement Speed. Active: Sona energizes nearby allies, granting them 14/18/22/26/30% Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
(R)Crescendo - Sona plays her ultimate chord, forcing enemy champions in a line in front of her to dance, taking 150/250/350(+0.7) magic damage over 2.5 seconds.
Postat av: Tommy Tomte
Ahhaaaa. Man byter mellan olika auror då, och när man aktiverar en så händer Active-effekten?
Låter lite mer spännande rent trycka-knapparmässigt.
Ser klart mer fram emot henne än Miss Fortune.
Postat av: Nick
Precis, tänk dig Udyr fast med Aurer som ger effekt till lagkamrater :)
Hon känns dock inte lika stabil support som tex Janna eller Taric. Hennes heal går inte att rikta in då den träffar "the most wounded".
Jag hoppas även innerligt att hennes Ulti triggar /dance commande på de som blir träffade ^^
Kostar hon under 6,3k så blir det nog att köpa henne.