Swain, the Master Tactician

Ny hjälte på gång i League of Legends, denna gång ser vi ut att få en mage som packar med sig en hel del CC och DoTs, men ingen direkt burst. Kolla in hans förmågor och avgör själv om han kommer vara till nytta.

(Passive) Carrion Renewal: Swain gains 150% increased mana regeneration for 5 seconds upon killing a unit

(Q) Decrepify - Swain sets his raven to cripple an enemy. Over the next three seconds, the target takes damage over time and is slowed.

(W) Nevermove - Swain marks a target area. After a short delay, mighty talons grab hold of enemy units dealing damage and rooting them.

(E) Ravenous Flock - Swain inspires dread in his enemies by temporarily taking the form of a raven. During this time ravens strike out at up to 3 nearby enemies. Each raven deals damage and heals Swain for the same amount.

(R) Torment - Swain afflicts his target, dealing damage over time. Each tick deals additional damage based on a percent of all damage taken from Swain during Torment (this includes the spell's periodic damage).


The earliest account of Swain's existence comes from a Noxian infirmary doctor's notes. According to them, Swain limped into the ward without cry or complaint; his right leg was snapped in half, with bone protruding from the skin. A small, scowling bird seemed affixed to his shoulder. The doctor gawked in horror as the young adolescent answered questions about his health and age with a calm, even stare. Even behind the echoing crack as the sand counterweights reset his tibia, Swain's measuring gaze never flickered, nor did his eyes twitch from the pop of his fibula. He refused the doctor's recommendation of magical treatment for the leg's inoperable damage, requesting only a spare crutch before shuffling away. He next surfaced in documents from the Noxian military, although it is evident that they are incomplete. Normally a crippled boy would be turned away in shame from Noxus' proud legion, but the records indicate his first designation was that of a ranking officer.
The men who've served under him (and survived) have remained in his charge with unshakable faith and loyalty. He leapt through the High Command's hierarchy, often ascending when superiors requested demotions to join his unit. A cunning strategist, Swain was decorated after every battle he fought, regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault. His rise to power seemed unceasing until he was suddenly relegated to inactive status prior to the Ionian Invasion - a bewildering decision which reeked of bureaucratic subversion. If Swain was upset by the events which unfolded, he never belied it. HIs face was so implacable that it was popularly rumored to be a mask, disguising something utterly inhuman beneath. More controversy surrounded the bird that never left his shoulder, whose name he whispered only to it. When Demacia escalated its presence in the League, Swain was immediately returned to active duty.

''If you haven't yet lost the ability to ask, you may not yet ask for relief.''-Swain

Postat av: Tommy Tomte

Han var inte så sexig, men jag kan tänka mig att han är väldigt bekväm att ha med i ett team. Som gamla KogMaw. Han dominerar inte, men vänder slagfältet.

2010-09-28 @ 15:02:27
Postat av: Nick

Med hans passiva mana-reg så lär han ju kunna stå och farma hur länge som helst. Och hans slow/snare lär komma till användning i team fights.

Tycker han mest påminner om en slags Mal/Vlad combo.

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